Bookingtypes in Gfacility
  • 19 Feb 2023
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Bookingtypes in Gfacility

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Article summary

There are three different reservation types, of which one must be chosen when creating a reservation via the Planning Board. The different methods are described below.

1. A combi-booking

This is the main method for making a booking where both an Outlook and Gfacility bookings are made. The booking thus contains both an Outlook room booking and visitors, catering, and/or services.

Use: Default method.

2. An Outlook-booking 

This booking consists only of an Outlook booking(room).

Explanation: Outlook bookings can be viewed via the scheduler. However, no catering, services, or visitors are registered in Gfacility. There is therefore no Gfacility booking, and the booking is not visible in the events list. An Outlook booking can be converted to a combination booking at a later time.

Use: Only use if further follow-up through Gfacility is not required.


When an end user reserves a room via Outlook without using the add-on, it comes in as an Outlook reservation.

3. A Gfacility-booking

Gfacility bookings can be viewed via both the scheduler and booking list. Please note that although a location is entered, no actual room booking (Outlook booking) is made. The room is therefore not booked. A Gfacility booking can be converted to a combination bookingat a later time.

Use: Only use if an actual room booking is not required