2024 - Week 12
  • 18 Mar 2024
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2024 - Week 12

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Article summary

The latest changes rolled out to Gfacility. Everything in the production environment (PROD) release will be immediately reflected to all the users. Changes rolled out in the test environment (UAT) will be transferred to the production environment in the next release (13/04/2024). Gfacility invites you to test it and submit your feedback via the Gfacility Support portal via the template UAT Feedback.

Gfacility Production (PROD)

New Features and Enhancements

TLS upgraded

In this release, we have significantly enhanced the security of our SaaS platform by ensuring that all TLS connections are upgraded to at least version 1.3. This update not only provides enhanced encryption and privacy for all users but also improves the speed and reliability of the connections.

Gfacility Test Environment (UAT)

New Features and Enhancements

Scheduler improvements

Improved performance

Loading bookings in the scheduler has been completely redesigned, resulting in a significant increase in performance upon loading.

Improved layout

The scheduler now features a slightly enlarged appearance for a broader overview, with fixed scrollbars ensuring constant visibility of times and rooms. Additionally, hovering over rooms reveals detailed information.

Service improvements

Quick add service

It is now possible to add a service from the “add new” button. When hitting add new service it is possible to quickly reserve a service without having to create an entire event.


Improved service functionality

Services will now be marked as "rejected" if they are moved to an unavailable time slot, with a mail template available to notify the host. Until a service's status changes, reservation times dictate availability. Upon check-in and check-out, times are recorded and used for availability. Returning a service earlier also makes it available sooner. Similarly, a service becomes available again from its original end time. For instance, if a service is reserved until 15:00, it becomes available again at 15:00, instead of 15:01 as before.

View the ticket classification information

Now, classification details are available from the classification listing. Simply hover over any classification from the classification dropdown list, and an 'i' (Info) icon will appear. Move your cursor over the icon, and a classification card will pop up, providing details about that specific classification.

New Column Filter for Due Date Countdown

We're excited to introduce a new column in tables that displays the time remaining before a due date. This feature enhances visibility and prioritization of tasks based on their urgency.

How it Works:

  • If the due date is more than 168 hours (7 days) from the current date/time, the timer will be displayed in green.

  • If the due date is between 24 hours (1 day) and 168 hours (7 days) from the current date/time, the timer will be displayed in orange.

  • If the due date is less than 24 hours (1 day) from the current date/time, the timer will be displayed in ‘red.


Top bar improvements

Gradient removal

The gradient color has been removed from the module topbar to enhance readability.

Constant 'Create New' Button

  • The 'Create New' button is now consistent across all main modules. Whether you're in the dashboard, helpdesk, task, or any other module, the 'Create New' button is readily available for quick access.

Enhanced Search Functionality

  • We have extended the search functionality with visitor, catering,  and service booking records.

  • The search icon is now shown consistently throughout all modules.

Enhanced Configuration Item Fields

In our latest updates, significant enhancements have been made to the Configuration Item (CI) module. Now, users will enjoy improved functionality and consistency with the addition of several key fields, aligning the CI module with our ticketing module.

Newly Added Fields:

  • Assignee, Workgroups, Requested For.

These new fields enhance the usability and versatility of the CI module, providing users with a comprehensive toolkit for managing Configuration Items effectively.


  • Related tickets improvements:

    • Available tickets are no longer filtered by status; all tickets are now accessible as related.

    • When adding related tickets, status, and ID are displayed in the result listing.

  • Task actions (such as creation and removal) are now recorded in the ticket history.

  • Translations have been improved.

  • Zip files can now be attached.

  • Attachment names are preserved with the original file name, with the addition of date and time at the end for uniqueness.

  • In the add-in, the visitor confirmation checkbox was displayed in front of internal visitors instead of external visitors. With the latest update, this has been changed, ensuring proper alignment of the checkbox with external visitor entries.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where internal events or services booked for more than a week were not displayed on the scheduler. With the recent updates, this issue has been addressed, ensuring that all scheduled internal events and services are accurately reflected on the scheduler, regardless of their duration.

  • SLA timers showing incorrect timing are now resolved.

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