September 2023
  • 16 Oct 2023
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September 2023

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Article summary

September 2023 Release Notes

Gfacility Mobile Application

Gfacility is now also available as a mobile application for notifications. Through this mobile app you can create, view and handle notifications.

The mobile app is available in the appstore under the  name "Gfacility".

Personal Access Token

It is now possible to create a personal token yourself. With this token you can build integrations based on the rights of your account and retrieve data for use in Power BI.



Search bar within the helpdesk module

At the top of the helpdesk module screen you will now find the search icon. If you click on this, you can search the Help Desk module, similar to the search bar on the homepage.

Improved column customization

The method of adjusting the width of columns has been improved. When you adjust the width of one column, the width of all other columns remains unchanged.

Bug fixes

Among other things, the following bugs have been fixed:

  • New classifications were not visible after adding.
  • Workgroup permissions were incorrect, allowing a practitioner to create a new workgroup.
  • Images in notifications were displayed out of proportion.
  • Profile pictures were displayed too large in emails.
  • Various bugs related to SLA have been fixed.

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