Module functions
  • 26 Dec 2023
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Module functions

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Article summary

Within each module, you will find one or more of the following buttons. This article explains their purpose and how to use them.

5. Exporting rows or bulk editing

This button allows you to export rows or edit them in bulk. You have the option to select which rows the action applies to, for both export and bulk editing.

Selected rules (for both export and bulk editing) 

When you have marked one or more rules by ticking the boxes at the front of the overview, this option becomes visible. Only the selected rows are exported or edited.

Visible rows (for both export and bulk editing) 

If no rows are marked, this option becomes visible. Only the visible rows are exported. In other words, if you are on page 1 of the filter and displaying 25 rows per page, only the 25 rows of page 1 are exported or edited. 

All rows (for export only) 

This option is always visible and allows you to export all the rows in a filter. 

Column order and sorting for export
For all export actions, the order and visible columns will be the same as the selected filter in Gfacility. By adjusting the columns and sorting of the filters, you can determine how your export will look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does frequent exporting impact the performance of Gfacility?

No, when creating an export in Gfacility, the export is displayed immediately up to a certain number of records. However, if you make a very large export or if multiple users do this, the exports are scheduled as tasks (Jobs). In this case, you will not receive an immediate display of the export, but you will receive an email with the export once the export task is completed.